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Tomato Pickle for Beginners: Easy Recipes and Tips

Tomato Pickle for Beginners: Easy Recipes and Tips

Posted by Suryamasale on 29th Mar 2024

When it comes to pickles, tomato pickles have a rich and diverse history that spans across various cultures. They trace their origins back to South Asia, where they have been a beloved condiment for centuries. In India, for instance, tomato pickles are a staple in many regional cuisines, known for their bold flavours and versatility.

These tangy, spicy pickles are not limited to being a standalone condiment. They play a starring role in a variety of dishes, enhancing the taste and adding a punch of flavour. In South Asian cuisine, you can find tomato pickles featured in dishes like "Aloo Paratha" (stuffed potato flatbreads), "Biryani" (spiced rice), and "Paneer Tikka" (grilled cottage cheese), among many others. Their ability to balance the richness of these dishes with their tangy kick makes them an indispensable component of the culinary landscape. Tomato pickles have also found their way into fusion cuisine, where they add a delightful twist to sandwiches, wraps, and even pizzas, showcasing their versatility and universal appeal.

In this blog, we will discuss about-

  • The health benefits of consuming tomato pickle,
  • Tips to preserve tomato pickle effectively,
  • Easy recipes for making tomato pickle at home.

Let’s get started!

Health Benefits of Tomato Pickles

  • Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Tomato pickle provides essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and calcium, which are important for overall health and immunity.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Tomatoes themselves are rich in antioxidants, such as lycopene, which may help protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Gut Health: Fermented pickles can contain probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health. They can aid in digestion and support a healthy gut microbiome.
  • Low in Calories: Tomato pickle can be relatively low in calories, making it a flavourful addition to meals without significantly increasing calorie intake.
  • Spice Content: Some of the spices used in tomato pickle, like turmeric and fenugreek, have potential anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits.
  • Appetite Stimulation: The tangy and spicy flavours of tomato pickle can stimulate the appetite, making it a good accompaniment for those who have a reduced appetite.
  • Preservative Effects: The salt and acidity in pickle recipes act as preservatives, helping to extend the shelf life of vegetables, especially in regions where fresh produce may not be readily available year-round.

Before discussing the recipes to make tomato pickle, let us find out

Why You Should Make Tomato Pickle at Home?

  • Customised Flavour: Homemade tomato pickle allows you to control the ingredients, spices, and seasoning levels, ensuring it suits your taste preferences perfectly. You can make it as mild or as spicy as you like.
  • Quality Ingredients: When making pickle at home, you have the freedom to choose the freshest and highest-quality tomatoes and spices, resulting in a superior product compared to store-bought versions.
  • Healthier Option: Homemade tomato pickle typically contains fewer preservatives and additives than commercially processed varieties, making it a healthier choice for those concerned about their diet.
  • Reduced Sodium: You can manage the amount of salt you add when making pickle at home, allowing you to create a lower-sodium version that aligns with your dietary needs.
  • No Artificial Flavours: Homemade pickle is free from artificial flavours or colours, ensuring a more natural and authentic taste.
  • Experimentation: Making tomato pickle at home gives you the freedom to experiment with ingredients, spices, and flavours. You can get creative with variations and find unique combinations that suit your palate.
  • Satisfaction and Pride: There's a sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with creating your own condiments from scratch. It's a rewarding culinary experience that you can share with family and friends.
  • Preserving Seasonal Bounty: Homemade pickle allows you to preserve excess tomatoes when they are in season, reducing food waste and ensuring you have a flavourful condiment year-round.
  • Family Recipes: Many families have treasured pickle recipes that are passed down through generations. Making these recipes at home preserves culinary traditions and connects you to your heritage.
  • Cost-Effective: Making tomato pickle at home can be more cost-effective than buying premium-quality pickles from the store, especially if you have access to home-grown tomatoes and spices.
  • Customisable Heat Levels: You can control the level of spiciness in homemade tomato pickle to suit the preferences of your household, making it a versatile condiment that everyone can enjoy.
  • Freshness Guarantee: Homemade pickle is typically consumed relatively quickly, ensuring that you always have a fresh and flavourful condiment on hand.

Easy Recipes to Make Tomato Pickle At Home

Recipe 1: Basic Tomato Pickle

This recipe yields a classic, tangy, and spicy tomato pickle. It's a great starting point for beginners.


  • 500g ripe tomatoes, diced
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon red chilli powder (adjust to taste)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice


  • Heat oil in a pan on low heat. Add mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds. Sauté until they start to splutter.
  • Add minced garlic and sauté for a minute until it turns aromatic.
  • Add diced tomatoes, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, and salt. Cook on medium heat until the tomatoes soften and the oil starts to separate (approximately 10-15 minutes).
  • Stir in the vinegar or lemon juice and cook for an additional 2 minutes.
  • Allow the pickle to cool, transfer it to a sterilised jar, and store it in the refrigerator. It will taste better as it matures, so give it a couple of days before enjoying it.

Recipe 2: Sweet and Tangy Tomato Chutney

This tomato chutney recipe offers a sweeter, milder alternative to traditional tomato pickle.


  • 500g ripe tomatoes, chopped
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chilli flakes (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons oil


  • Heat oil in a pan on low heat. Add mustard seeds and cumin seeds. Sauté until they start to splutter.
  • Add chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, red chilli flakes, and salt. Cook on medium heat until the tomatoes turn soft and mushy (approximately 10-15 minutes).
  • Stir in the sugar and vinegar. Continue cooking on low heat until the chutney thickens and reaches a jam-like consistency (about 20-25 minutes).
  • Let the chutney cool, transfer it to a sterilised jar, and store it in the refrigerator. It can be used as a spread or dip.

Tips to Make the Perfect Tomato Pickle

  • Choose Ripe Tomatoes: Select ripe, red tomatoes for the best flavour and texture. Overripe or underripe tomatoes can affect the taste and consistency of the pickle.
  • Sterilise Your Jar: Ensure that the storage jar you use is thoroughly cleaned and sterilised. This step helps prolong the shelf life of your pickle and prevents spoilage.
  • Use Dry Utensils: Always use dry utensils and a clean, dry spoon to handle the pickle. Moisture can introduce bacteria and reduce the pickle's shelf life.
  • Control the Spice Level: Adjust the amount of red chilli powder or flakes to control the spiciness of your pickle. Remember that the heat can intensify as the pickle matures.
  • Mind the Salt: Be cautious with the amount of salt you add, as excessive salt can make the pickle overly salty. You can always add more salt later if needed.
  • Preserve Freshness: Store the pickle in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and flavour.
  • Avoid Cross-Contamination: Be careful not to cross-contaminate the pickle with wet hands or utensils. Moisture can lead to spoilage.
  • Balance the Flavours: Aim for a balance of sourness, spiciness, and sweetness in your pickle. Adjust the vinegar, sugar, and spices to achieve the desired taste.
  • Consider Seasonal Ingredients: You can experiment with seasonal ingredients like curry leaves, asafoetida (hing), or mustard oil to add unique flavours to your pickle.
  • Allow Maturation: Homemade tomato pickle often tastes better after it has had a few days to mature in the jar. Patience can result in a more flavourful pickle.
  • Stir While Cooking: Stir the pickle regularly while it's cooking to prevent it from sticking to the pan and to ensure even distribution of flavours.

Tips to Preserve Homemade Tomato Pickle Correctly

Preserving homemade tomato pickle correctly is essential to ensure it maintains its flavour and quality over time. Here are some tips for proper preservation:

  • Sterilise Jars: Before filling the jars with pickle, wash them thoroughly with hot, soapy water, and then rinse them well. Sterilise the jars and their lids by boiling them in water for 10-15 minutes or by using a dishwasher's sterilisation cycle.
  • Ensure Dryness: Ensure that the jars and lids are completely dry before filling them with pickle. Moisture can lead to spoilage.
  • Hot Pack Method: Fill the jars with hot pickle while the pickle is still hot. This reduces the risk of contamination and helps create a vacuum seal when the jars cool.
  • Leave Headroom: Leave some headroom (about 1/2 inch or 1.25 cm) at the top of the jar to allow for expansion and contraction as the pickle cools and matures.
  • Wipe Jar Rims: After filling the jars, wipe the rims clean with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue. A clean rim helps create a better seal.
  • Use New Lids: Always use new, unused canning lids for sealing. Old or damaged lids may not create a proper seal.
  • Finger-Tighten Lids: When screwing on the jar lids, tighten them finger-tight. Do not over-tighten, as this can interfere with the sealing process.
  • Water Bath Canning: If you plan to store the pickle for an extended period, consider using the water bath canning method. Submerge the filled jars in boiling water for a specific period (varies based on your altitude) to create a vacuum seal.
  • Check for Sealing: After the jars have cooled, press down on the centre of the lid. If it doesn't pop back, it indicates a proper seal. Any unsealed jars should be refrigerated and consumed within a few weeks.
  • Store in a Cool, Dark Place: Store your sealed pickle jars in a cool, dark, and dry place, away from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations. A pantry or cupboard is an ideal location.
  • Label and Date Jars: Label each jar with its contents and the date it was prepared. This helps you keep track of freshness and ensures you use the oldest jars first.
  • Rotate Pickle: Rotate your pickle jars periodically to prevent settling and ensure even distribution of flavours.
  • Use Clean Utensils: Always use clean, dry utensils and a clean, dry spoon when scooping out pickle from the jar. Avoid double-dipping to prevent contamination.
  • Monitor for Spoilage: Periodically check your pickle jars for signs of spoilage, such as mould growth, off smells, or changes in colour and texture. If any of these occur, discard the contents.
  • Consume Within a Year: While homemade tomato pickle can have a relatively long shelf life, it's best to consume it within a year to ensure optimal quality and flavour.
  • Use Mustard Oil: Consider using mustard oil for an authentic flavour, but make sure to heat and cool the oil before using it in the pickle to reduce its pungency.
  • Label and Date: Clearly label your pickle jar with its contents and the date it was made. This helps you keep track of its freshness.
  • Experiment and Customise: Don't hesitate to get creative with your pickle recipes. Experiment with different spices, herbs, and flavours to create your signature pickle.
  • Seek Advice: If you're new to pickle making, seek advice from experienced pickle makers or consult reliable recipes to avoid common mistakes.

Wrapping Up,

If you are looking to buy homemade quality tomato pickle online, then look no further! Surya Masale’s delicious tomato pickle is the perfect answer to your search. Made with the goodness of fresh tomatoes, our tomato pickle is free from added preservatives. Hurry and shop today!

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