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Unlocking the Secrets of Mint v/s Peppermint Debate

Unlocking the Secrets of Mint v/s Peppermint Debate

Posted by Suryamasale on 29th Mar 2024

Mint and peppermint, though similar, boast distinct flavours, appearances, and characteristics. Both refreshing herbs find common ground in culinary uses, yet their unique traits set them apart, making each a distinctive choice in the kitchen.

Introduction to Lamiaceae Herbs

Mint and peppermint, despite their shared botanical lineage in the Lamiaceae family, showcase distinctive traits. Both renowned flavouring herbs enrich culinary and medicinal realms. Mint, recognised as spearmint in India, embellishes diverse mint leaves recipes like chutneys, teas, and salads. In contrast, peppermint finds its niche primarily in infusions and oils. While their family ties unite them, their applications diverge, illustrating their individuality. Mint’s versatility in Indian cuisine contrasts with peppermint's specialised use, underlining its unique role in the culinary world. These subtle differences highlight the richness of nature’s offerings, allowing chefs and enthusiasts to explore different tastes and aromas within the same botanical family.

Insights into the Mint vs Peppermint Debate

  1. Awareness about Mint:

    Mint, scientifically termed Mentha spicata, offers a subtly sweet flavour, refreshing, slightly fruity essence and a mild cooling effect upon consumption. Its spear-shaped, vibrant green leaves distinguish it from peppermint. While both mint and peppermint are prevalent in medicinal and herbal remedies, common mint stands out as a digestive aid, easing bloating and nausea mildly. Spearmint is good in beverages, desserts, and cocktails due to its harmonious blending with other flavours. Unlike peppermint, mint finds its place in savoury delights like pesto and complements lamb dishes. Its lower menthol content, compared to peppermint, allows its delicate taste to shine, making it a versatile choice in culinary creations and natural remedies. You can easily buy dried mint online for culinary uses and herbal home therapies.
  2. Awareness about Peppermint:

    Peppermint, scientifically known as Mentha piperita, delivers a robust menthol kick, inducing a refreshing coolness upon consumption. Peppermint is a common ingredient in chewing gums, mouth fresheners, teas, and chocolates. Peppermint boasts a distinct minty and slightly spicy flavour. Its broader leaves with serrated edges and reddish-purple veins on dark green foliage set it apart visually. Beyond its culinary use, peppermint's medicinal prowess shines through, aiding digestion by alleviating bloating, indigestion, and nausea, thanks to its high menthol content. In oil form, it becomes a remedy for headaches and sinus congestion. The herb's versatility extends to confectionery, ice creams, and iconic cocktails like mint juleps and mojitos, enhancing their taste with its unique profile. Peppermint's multifaceted presence enriches culinary experiences but also provides therapeutic relief in various forms.

These differences between mint and peppermint distinguish each other despite being from the same botanical family. You can easily purchase dried mint or peppermint from online stores.

Note: Mint is also known as pudina leaves.

However, culinary experts recommend mint for its subtle sweet smell and less menthol content than peppermint. Let’s discover the uses of mint leaves in our gastronomical world.

Know about the Mint Leaves Uses

  • Culinary Delights: Mint leaves in cooking enhance the flavour of various dishes. They are commonly found in salads, chutneys, and sauces, adding a refreshing and aromatic touch to the recipes.
  • Beverage Infusion: Mint leaves are known for preparing refreshing beverages. They are an ingredient in making mint tea, a soothing drink enjoyed worldwide. Mint is also added to lemonades and cocktails, imparting a cool and refreshing taste.
  • Digestive Aid: Mint leaves have natural properties that aid digestion. Mint tea, made from fresh or dried leaves, relieves indigestion, reduces bloating, and eases nausea. It acts as a mild yet effective remedy for various digestive issues.
  • Health Benefits: Mint leaves have medicinal qualities. They are used to alleviate headaches and migraines due to their cooling effect. The menthol in mint provides relief to sinuses, making it easier to breathe and reducing congestion.
  • Cosmetic and Aromatherapy Uses: Mint leaves find a foothold in the cosmetic industry for their refreshing scent. Mint is a common constituent in skincare products like lotions and lip balms. Mint essential oil is employed for aromatherapy to enhance mental alertness, reduce stress, and promote relaxation.
  • Natural Pest Repellent: Mint leaves act as a natural pest repellent. Placing mint leaves around the home or garden helps keep insects and rodents at bay due to their aroma, serving as an eco-friendly alternative to chemical repellents.
  • Garnishing: Mint leaves find its place as a decorative garnish for desserts, beverages, and main dishes. Their vibrant green colour and pleasant aroma make them an attractive addition to various culinary creations.

Mint leaves benefits extend to weight management, skin care, stress reduction and oral care. Mint can suppress appetite and reduce body weight. They also have high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds to improve skin health. Mint leaves possess antibacterial properties, which help in preventing gum diseases, cavities, and dental issues.

The Mint v/s Peppermint comparison concludes the strengths of both herbs, with mint slightly being preferred over peppermint.


Between mint v/s peppermint, we find two closely related herbs, each offering its characteristics and applications. Mint, with its subtly sweet and mildly cooling flavour, shines as a versatile culinary herb, enhancing a variety of dishes and beverages. Mint also has diverse medicinal properties and benefits. On the other hand, peppermint has an intense menthol flavour and excels in providing a more robust taste. Peppermint has its therapeutic uses.

While mint and peppermint share a family lineage, their distinctions allow them to cater to diverse culinary, medicinal, and sensory experiences, showcasing the beauty of nature's variety and the ability to cater to different preferences and needs. Whether you seek a subtle, refreshing touch or a bold, minty punch, both herbs have a place in the world for their flavour and well-being.

The chefs of different regions use mint and peppermint for various recipes and coolants. So, both herbs have takers and buyers. You can buy Mint leaves online from our brand ‘Surya’. Surya Masale is known for its unadulterated spices, mouth-watering snacks, delicious sweets, and traditional taste showcasing pickles. You can purchase dried mint from our online store and also ask your queries to our experts on WhatsApp.

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